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gavel and stethoscope

Issues of patient consent. A conversation with Georgie Haysom and Dr Ian Incoll

Summary: In this podcast Georgie Haysom, General Manager, Advocacy Education and Research at Avant, chats with Dr Ian Incoll, Past Dean of Education at the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA), about current issues with patient consent.

Thursday, 29 February 2024

In this podcast Georgie Haysom and Dr Ian Incoll discuss how to have a consent conversation with a patient including:

  • Discussing material risks
  • discussing the possibility of a worse outcome
  • the use of visual aids and handouts
  • obtaining second opinions
  • discouraging a patient from having surgery you don’t think is clinically indicated
  • testing patient understanding
  • documenting the consent process
  • managing an adverse outcome
  • tips for junior doctors

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