
Avant Law - your trusted corporate sale and purchase experts

We can support the entire process of sales or acquisitions for businesses - from start-up, to sales and to mergers. Our legal team draw upon experience from industry relevant experience acting in various legal capacity as in-house counsel and in private practice. This ensures that our legal team provides balanced advice that aligns with your plans and aspirations. This includes managing the due diligence process and searches, preparing required transactional documentation, negotiating and executing the agreement, and taking care of post-completion actions.

Our deep industry connections and understanding of the unique challenges faced by our M&A clients allow us to provide tailored solutions for every business transaction. Our legal team has a strong focus on the health sector, bringing specialised knowledge and experience to the table.

Whether you're buying or selling a business or considering a merger, the process can be intricate and multifaceted. These transactions typically involve several critical steps, including:

  • negotiating the key commercial terms of the deal
  • assessing the risks and liabilities associated with the target business company
  • determining the warranties and indemnities to apply to protect both parties
  • securing necessary third-party consents and licenses
  • handling employee entitlements and obligations
  • releasing any security interests tied to the business

Our commercial and corporate team will assist you and your advisers in providing the following services:

  • transaction risk analysis and management
  • share sales and purchases
  • asset sales and purchases
  • regulator consents and waivers
  • intellectual property assignments and licensing
  • staff and workplace relations issues

Given the high stakes, including the impact on employees and the future of the businesses involved, these deals often come with tight deadlines and high-pressure negotiations.

We guide you through each stage of your transaction, prioritising both efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Whether it is drafting the initial term sheet, conducting detailed due diligence, advising on the best deal structure, preparing the sale agreement, or overseeing all the necessary steps to finalise the deal, our commitment is to safeguard your interests and to help you reach your business goals.

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Avant Law Pty Limited is an incorporated legal practice and not a partnership. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Avant Law are members of the scheme.

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