Medical and allied health
Medical partnerships and practices, multi-site clinics, day hospitals and care facilities.

The Avant Law team draws on a deep understanding of the medical and allied health sector to provide legal services to a wide range of patient-centred organisations. Whether caring for patients, saving lives or improving quality of care, our experienced team supports your organisation to help you navigate the complexities of compliance and legislation, reduce operational risks and ultimately increase your commercial advantage.

Commercial contract negotiation
Negotiating procurement contracts, services agreements or trade restraints, we'll help protect your interests.

Mergers and acquisition
We support the entire process of acquisition or sale of a busines to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

Leasing and sub let agreements
Our experienced team will identify the right solutions for your leasing needs.

Dispute resolution
We'll advocate on your behalf to help you achieve a fair outcome. We advise on a range of dispute areas including contract, employment and negligence.

Data protection and privacy
With the rising risk of data breaches and tougher privacy obligations for organisations, we can help you mitigate risk.
Avant Law Pty Limited is an incorporated legal practice and not a partnership. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Avant Law are members of the scheme.