
Property investments and purchases are common for all sizes of organisations. The complexities of zoning, SMSF or trust purchases have the potential to slow down transactions, our team are highly experienced at negotiating commercial property sales and can ensure.

We support you at every stage of the commercial property process. 

  • Contract Reviews and Negotiations: Identify potential risks and ambiguities in contracts, guiding you through the negotiation process, ensuring you secure terms that are favourable and protect your interests. 
  • Contract Preparation: When drafting contracts, we create clear, concise, and legally sound agreements that meticulously address all relevant aspects of the transaction. 
  • Advising on Terms and Conditions: We provide clear and concise explanations of key terms and conditions within the contract, highlighting potential legal risks and advising on strategies to mitigate them. 
  • Due Diligence Searches: To minimise potential risks, our experienced team conduct thorough due diligence, investigating the other party's financial health, legal history, and any relevant assets involved in the transaction. 
  • Completion: We oversee the exchange of documents and securing the final execution of the agreement. 
  • Review Finance Arrangements: Whether you're seeking financing or entering into a financing agreement, we review the terms and conditions to ensure they are aligned with your organisations overall commercial goals. 
Book a no-obligation initial consultation

Lindsay McGregor

Position: Partner - Head of Property
Email: lindsay.mcgregor@avantlaw.com.au
Contact Number: 0447 054 611

Lindsay leads the property law practice at Avant Law, based in Sydney.

‍Lindsay has over 20 years’ advising in acquisitions and disposals including all aspects commercial, residential and off the plan conveyancing, acquisition due diligence and general property advice across Australia. His general property experience includes ownership and development structuring, land titling, subdivision and finance. He has vast experience in all types of leasing and has previously represented some of the country’s biggest landlords with their retail and commercial leasing.  Lindsay has also acted for major national tenants across the country.

‍As former Partner at Holding Redlich Lawyers for five years, Lindsay advised a broad range of clients, including medical centres.

‍Lindsay is an also an adjunct lecturer for the College of Law and teaches Commercial Leasing, Contracts and Transactions as a subject in their Master of Laws program.

Contact a Property expert


Avant Law Pty Limited is an incorporated legal practice and not a partnership. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Avant Law are members of the scheme.

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