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Cyber and privacy

With so much of our personal and work lives connected to the internet the risk of experiencing a cyber incident is always increasing. This course will give an overview of best practice in privacy and cyber security practices. The program is entirely online and has 90 minutes of content with some additional reading as required. It is accredited with RACGP for three category 2 CPD points on completion of all elements.

This is a members only course. Already a member? 'Click Start' Course to begin.

Course Details

Course duration

90 minutes

Credit value

This activity is approved in the 2023-25 Triennium for the following hours and types: "Educational Activities": 1.5, "Reviewing Performance": 0, "Managing Outcomes": 0.

Completion requirement

80% pass mark required for completion


RAGCP approved activity 410489
RAGCP approved activity 410489
ACRRM approved activity 29232
ACRRM approved activity 29232
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