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Back of police member showing the blue reflective police writing on the reflective stab vest

20 June 2024

Case study

GP breached patient privacy by disclosing information to police without a warrant

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Avant Watermark

12 June 2024


Disruptive behaviour in the workplace

Some doctors behave in a disruptive manner. It’s important to discourage and address disruptive behaviour by having systems in place.

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Concerned person looking upwards

27 May 2024


As early career doctors, how we manage complaints matters

As you start out in medicine, you will need to learn how to manage a patient complaint or a complaint from a regulatory body.

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blocks with different advertising key words

22 May 2024


Advertising guidelines when promoting your practice

Understand your responsibilities when advertising to avoid a possible hefty fine. Advertising includes your website, social media and your letterhead.

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Filing room of medical records

12 May 2024


Privacy: the essentials

This factsheet provides an overview of your obligations under privacy legislation to protect confidential patient information. Privacy law is complex. If you have any queries about your obligations and how privacy laws apply in your practice, contact us for advice.

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man rubbing eyes sitting at desk

09 May 2024

Claims insights

Claims insights: regulatory complaints

Learn about how likely it is for medical practitioners and practices to receive a regulatory complaint.

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Woman frowning at computer

09 May 2024


Dealing with a regulatory complaint

Receiving a regulatory complaint is confronting and stressful. In this factsheet we explore the process and your response.

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Cutout drawing of family

07 May 2024


Scope of Practice Review: patient safety a concern

Avant has spoken out about the Australian Government’s Scope of Practice Review saying it should prioritise safe, collaborative, patient-centred primary care.

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