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03 March 2025
Unauthorised access to 35 patients’ records sees trainee doctor suspended
A trainee doctor was suspended after admitting to unauthorised and unjustified access to 35 patients’ medical records on 97 occasions and disclosing information from those records. The doctor was later diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and major depressive disorder. While accepting that mental illness played a role, the tribunal concluded the conduct was professional misconduct.

03 March 2025
Optometrist’s failure to arrange secure storage and transfer of records amounts to professional misconduct
An optometrist’s failure to store and enable access to patient records after their business closed reflected a total disregard for their professional obligation to ensure continuity of care, according to the tribunal. They had denied responsibility and demonstrated a complete lack of insight into the seriousness or implications of their conduct. Their conduct constituted professional misconduct and led to cancellation of their registration.

03 March 2025
Viewing patient records without clinical justification sees nurse’s registration suspended
A newly qualified nurse discovered that employers and tribunals take unauthorised access of clinical records very seriously. The nurse was suspended over accessing the records of multiple patients at the clinic where they worked, breaching both their employment contract and professional obligations.

26 February 2025
Storing, retaining and disposing of medical records
You must take all reasonable steps to protect the security of your medical records. The requirements for securely storing records have different practical applications for electronic and hardcopy records.

26 February 2025
Medical records - the essentials
Medical records are essential for patient care. They are also a key communication tool and important evidence of the care. They are also a key communication tool and important evidence of the care for colleagues, to Medicare, during a complaint process, or in a court of law. Key requirements are outline in this factsheet.

25 February 2025
Responding to a request to access medical records
Requests for medical records may come from the patient themselves, from another person or organisation, or via a court order such as a subpoena, summons or other court notice. We summarise your responsibilities below.

24 February 2025
Medical record issues in claims
What are the main issues raised in member claims in relation to medical records. Find out the underlying themes across all specialties and insights to reduce your risk of these types of claims, in our analysis.

23 February 2025
Medical certificates: your responsibilities
Find out your legal and professional responsibilities when writing a medical certificate. When completing a medical certificate you must be honest and not misleading. Only sign a certificate if you believe it to be accurate and factual.