Members Only

Medical records: Chapter one — documentation

The requirements for medical records include clinical guidelines and legal responsibilities. They are also a key communication tool, important evidence of the care you have given for colleagues, to Medicare, during a complaint process, or in a court of law. Key requirements are outlined in this course.

This is a members only course. Already a member? 'Click Start' Course to begin.

Course Details

Course duration

90 minutes

Credit value

This activity is approved in the 2023-25 Triennium for the following hours and types: "Educational Activities": 1.5, "Reviewing Performance": 0, "Managing Outcomes": 0.

Completion requirement

80% pass mark required for completion


RAGCP approved activity 409968
RAGCP approved activity 409968
ACRRM approved activity 28779
ACRRM approved activity 28779
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