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Key messages

Prioritise cyber security education

Medical practices and doctors must prioritise ongoing cybersecurity education and training for all staff members. From front desk staff to doctors, everyone should be aware of the latest cybersecurity threats, how to identify them, and the best practices for preventing data breaches. Regular training sessions and updates on emerging threats can significantly reduce the risk of successful cyberattacks.

Implement robust data protection measures

It's crucial for medical practices to implement robust data protection measures to safeguard sensitive patient information. This includes encryption of data, strong access controls with multi-factor authentication, regular data backups, and the use of up-to-date antivirus and antimalware software. Additionally, ensuring compliance with regulations such as the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) is essential for maintaining patient trust and avoiding costly penalties.

Stay vigilant and proactive

Rather than adopting a reactive approach to cybersecurity, medical practices and doctors should adopt a proactive stance by regularly assessing their IT systems for vulnerabilities, conducting penetration testing, and staying updated on security patches and updates. Establishing a response plan for potential data breaches is also crucial, including steps for containment, notification of affected parties, and cooperation with regulatory agencies. By staying vigilant and proactive, medical practices can better protect patient data and mitigate the impact of cyber threats.



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An overview of best practice in privacy and cyber security. Online - 90 minutes free CPD for Avant members.

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Be aware of cyber security

How to prepare for a cyber incident - knowing what to do if an incident occurs is essential to minimising the damage.

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