Avant membership benefits
Members are owners and the focus of everything we do. Membership has many benefits.

Membership delivers benefits beyond those of individual products.
✔ As a member you are an owner of Avant and the focus of everything we do.
✔ Members have representation on the Board, on committees, and on staff.
✔ Any profits are reinvested to benefit members, not shareholders.
✔ Advocacy for members' interests, from an individual to a professional level.
✔ Rewards include savings on products and services, plus dividends for eligible members.

Avant is owned by its members, not shareholders. Members are on the Board and ensure it acts in the best interests of the membership. As owners, members share in Avant’s financial strength.

Avant is committed to supporting members in delivering quality care and creating transformational change in healthcare. Support is provided through advocacy activities, education, research grants and advisory services.

Members get exclusive discounts on many Avant products and services that are designed for doctors. Plus, membership provides exclusive access to Avant Travel Cover, Lite Extras health cover, and free CPD courses.
I love Avant’s commitment to supporting clinical researchers, both through their insurance policies but also the highly valuable grant programs.
"⁺The Retirement Reward Plan reflects the current policy of the Board for determining which members of Avant are eligible to participate in the Retirement Reward Plan and any Retirement Reward Dividends declared by Avant. The Retirement Reward Plan is entirely at the discretion of the Board and no member will be eligible to receive a Retirement Reward Dividend until such time as the Board declares a dividend in favour of that member. The Retirement Reward Plan is subject to change, suspension or termination by the Board at any time. The current eligibility criteria and allocation rules are available at avant.org.au/arrp/.