As we believe in the value of personal financial advice and realise that you may wish to seek holistic financial advice, we have established a directory of selected personal financial advice providers who have expressed a strong desire to assist Avant members and are committed to providing preferential terms.  

We strongly recommend you consider your personal circumstances when determining which financial adviser is right for you. 

While we do not endorse or recommend any providers of financial advice, for your reference, below is a list of firms in the directory.

If you would like to investigate receiving advice from these firms, please email us at and we will connect you with the representative dedicated to Avant members at the firm of your choice.


Important disclaimer: Avant Life Insurance is the registered business name of Doctors Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 56 610 510 328, AFSL 487758 (DFS). Avant Financial Advisers are Authorised Representatives of DFS. Avant does not make a recommendation or express an opinion about any providers of financial advice or seek to influence the decisions taken by members. We have not considered your objectives, personal situation or needs in preparing the Directory of personal financial advice providers discussed above.

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