Information regarding Tropical Cyclone Alfred
Avant is closely monitoring the unfolding situation regarding Tropical Cyclone Alfred with damaging wind gusts, storms, and heavy rainfall expected to impact a large warning zone spanning Queensland and NSW. We are especially concerned for the immediate safety of members, family and staff in these areas.
The priority is our members’ personal safety, but we have also prepared a list of measures you can take to prevent or reduce the likely effects of flooding to your business assets, equipment, and staff and patients:
- Backup your data and store off-site or use cloud storage.
- Save digital copies of key business documents, for example:
- insurance
- business registration
- property deeds
- key contracts
- licences
- certificates
- awards.
- Follow emergency services advice to shelter or evacuate.
- If you have CCTV leave it operational with battery backup, wherever possible, to capture video of potential damage for insurance purposes.
- Activate your business continuity plan (includes emergency plan):
- secure vehicles, medical equipment and supplies
- unplug electrical equipment, shut down master electrical board and gas supply
- collect your emergency kit
- sandbag and secure your premises
- evacuate premises if you need to leave.
- Communicate regular updates to staff, visitors and patients.
- Advise patients and suppliers about your business operations and evacuation plans where relevant, including:
- in-person to patients in your practice premises at the time
- online to all other patients.
- Use your social media accounts (if available), website or phone to advise patients and stakeholders about your business operation and referrals should the practice close for a period of time.
Business Insurance
Any Avant business insurance customers affected by Cyclone Alfred can make a claim by calling Allianz Claims on 13 10 13.
Please stay safe and our thoughts and best wishes go to all those affected.
Persons implementing any recommendations contained in this publication must exercise their own independent skill or judgment or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice or circumstances. Compliance with any recommendations will not in any way guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional or practice. Avant and its related entities are not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information.