Supporting members impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Supporting members impacted by Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Your professional, practice and business insurances – all under one roof

No one understands the unique requirements of medical practices better than Avant. And we know that having your practice's insurances spread across different insurers can put you at a disadvantage – things can be overlooked, or you can pay for cover you already have or don’t need. That’s why we extended our suite of practice insurances to include Avant Business Insurance. We can provide you with a range of insurances for your practice, designed to fit together for more comprehensive protection.

Choosing the right cover is as easy as 1, 2, 3^

1. Avant Business Insurance starts with Material Damage Insurance – it’s the cover every practice should have.

It covers loss or damage to your insured property caused by unforeseen or unexpected events such as fire, storm, accidental or malicious damage.

2. Review the cover typically held by medical practices, and choose what you need.

Business Interruption

Multiple cover types available under this option. It covers your practice against loss of weekly income, gross revenue or gross profit if the practice cannot operate for a period due to damage caused by an insured event like fire, damage following a theft, or even broken glass. Income, revenue or profit – whats right for you? Check out our factsheet for more information.

Public and Products Liability

Covers the amounts you are legally liable to pay as compensation for personal injury, property damage and/or advertising liability in connection with your practice. Find out more.


This covers the loss of insured property from theft, or attempted theft.

3. Then select additional cover to meet the unique needs of your practice.

Covers the repair or replacement of internal and/or external glass, which is accidently broken e.g. shopfront glass, illuminated/advertising signs and glass doors.

Covers machinery* like vaccine fridges and air conditioning units against breakdown. Cover includes additional benefits such as hiring of temporary machinery.

*Excludes diagnostic and electro medical equipment.

Covers the breakdown of nominated electronic equipment, computers and medical or diagnostic equipment. Cover can also be extended to cover the cost of restoring data.

Accidental loss or damage to your business property can affect your day-to-day practice operations. This cover can help repair or replace these items quickly when they are lost or damaged anywhere in Australia.

Covers the loss of the business’s money from the premises, while in transit or while at the personal residence of an authorised person.

Covers your property and/or stock for damage that occurs whilst it is in transit anywhere in Australia.

Protects directors and officers, managers and employees against the risks and exposures of running the practice.

Cover options include:

  1. Directors' and Officers' Liability
  2. Employment Practices Liability
  3. Crime
  4. Tax Audit

We know there is a lot of choice in Management Liability Insurance – this quick fact sheet may help.

*Options 1 and 2 only apply to claims made and notified during the period of insurance. Can only be taken in conjunction with Public and Products Liability

Designed especially for small to medium practices, you can cover up to 20 vehicles on a comprehensive, third party fire and theft, or third party property damage only basis.

^Cover is subject to the full terms, conditions, and exclusions of the policy.

Policy & important documents

Cover issued from 8 July 2024:

Cover issued from 25 September 2021 to 7 July 2024:

Cover issued from 5 April to 24 September 2021:

Target Market Determination:

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