North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

Practice Management Consulting - Schedule 1

Set-up mechanics of stand-alone practice (capped at 8 hours of work):

  • Advise and support set-up of financial handling systems and advise on professional fee structure;
  • Support provider number and PRODA organisation registration;
  • Create software document templates (invoices, referrals, confirmation letters, VBIT);
  • Support practice management software set-up for appointments and invoicing;
  • Complete pathology and radiology registration and e-results;
  • Document administration workflow and practice documents for;
  1. Patient registration/bookings/referral handling;
  2. Financial consent;
  3. Internal communications and call transfers;
  4. Handling patient complaints; and
  5. Privacy policy
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