Not too late to join! Request a quote for your indemnity insurance.

I was being laughed out of the bank by the managers. They said 'Come back in ten years' time when you’re qualified...' Penny took away the difficulties associated with dealing with the banks, that really enabled us to buy our first house.

Dr Matthew Read
Upper GI surgeon, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne
Two doctors in medical practice room

Video series: 'Owning your future'

Making the move into practice ownership adds another dimension to being a doctor. Working for yourself, rather than an employer, means you can set your own terms and determine what you want from your career.

There are three different paths you can take to become a practice owner: start your own practice from scratch, acquire and take over a practice, or buy into a practice and become a business partner. To learn more about the process of starting a practice, watch the ‘Owning your future’ guide.

Exterior of a home.

Video series: 'Medical money'

Throughout the career of any doctor, there will be many significant investment milestones. In this video series, expert medical finance specialists provide specific, beneficial insights to help doctors navigate the financing of anything from a first practice to their third investment property.

Speak to a medical finance specialist

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