Data protection & privacy

Australia has well defined privacy laws that organisations need to abide by. Whilst there are some entities that are excluded from these laws, having robust policies, clear guidelines and action plans in place, can help organisations retain their reputation and protect their clients (including in circumstances of a data breach).  

Data regulation & storage

Privacy obligations

The Australian Privacy Principles have 13 obligations that organisations need to abide by. Putting these into practice can be challenging and prone to dispute. Our team are well-versed in supporting organisations to craft policies and statements that can mitigate risk and demonstrate adherence to the APP obligations.

Information storage and security

Keeping your organisations data secure is becoming increasingly challenging in todays digital world. Breaches can not only be financially costly, the damage to reputation can dilute trust in your organisation. We support organisations with creation of policies, training, cyber investigations, mandatory breach notifications and managing contractual obligations.

Your data & privacy resources

Enjoy our range of data protection & privacy resources. From expert articles, tailored checklists to past webinars we are here to help.


IMPORTANT: Avant Law Pty Limited is an incorporated legal practice and not a partnership. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Avant Law Pty Limited are members of the scheme.

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