If you are looking to contact us regarding either your indemnity or travel policies, we are currently experiencing higher than expected enquiry volumes resulting in long wait times. You can access further information about these policies, including alternative contact options, via the member portal. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.


This publication is not comprehensive and does not constitute legal or medical advice. You should seek legal or other professional advice before relying on any content, and practise proper clinical decision making with regard to the individual circumstances. Persons implementing any recommendations contained in this publication must exercise their own independent skill or judgement or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice. Compliance with any recommendations will not in any way guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional or practice. Avant is not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published.

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