Supporting members impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Supporting members impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Members Only

Consent: informed consent and more

Australian law and medical practice reflect the fundamental ethical principle of autonomy: recognising that individuals have the right to make informed decisions about their medical treatment. Except in a life-threatening emergency, a patient with capacity needs to give voluntary and informed consent before undergoing any examination, investigation, procedure or treatment.Patient consent today is generally understood as involving patients and their treating practitioners in a process of shared decision-making about treatment options.

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Course Details

Course duration

60 minutes

Credit value

This activity is approved in the 2023-25 Triennium for the following hours and types: "Educational Activities": 1, "Reviewing Performance": 0, "Measuring Outcomes": 0.

Completion requirement

80% pass mark required for completion


RAGCP approved activity 409923
RAGCP approved activity 409923
ACRRM approved activity 28786
ACRRM approved activity 28786
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