North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

North Queensland Floods – Premium Relief: Assistance for Members impacted by flooding

Members Only

Managing professional boundaries

Maintaining appropriate professional boundaries and ensuring that your own interests do not conflict with those of patients are key to good medical practice.

Boundary breaches can relate to your own behaviour such as prescribing for yourself or your social media interactions. They can also relate to your interactions with patients which intentionally or unintentionally move outside of expected behaviour. The Managing Professional Boundaries elearning module aims to help you build on your knowledge for managing boundaries with your patients in keeping with the professional expectations in the Good medical practice: a code of conduct for doctors in Australia.

This is a members only course. Already a member? Click 'Start Course' to begin.

Course Details

Course duration

90 minutes

Credit value

This activity is approved in the 2023-25 Triennium for the following hours and types: "Educational Activities": 1, "Reviewing Performance": 0.5, "Measuring Outcomes": 0.

Completion requirement

80% pass mark required for completion


RAGCP approved activity 569482
RAGCP approved activity 569482
ACRRM approved activity 30907
ACRRM approved activity 30907
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