Prescribing safely: what you need to know
Prescribing medication is a routine task for most doctors but it isn’t always straightforward. Avant has many resources to help you reduce your risk and practise safely when prescribing. Consider a CPD refresher course and check requirements in your state or territory.

CPD eLearning courses
Our accredited eLearning courses are free for members. We offer six eLearning courses about prescribing which cover:
- Prescribing principles: Part one - general prescribing – 1 EA/0.5 RP hours – safe prescribing, common medication errors, record-keeping requirements, communication issues when prescribing, electronic prescribing, off-label prescribing and overprescribing (updated September 2023)
- Prescribing principles: Part one - general prescribing measuring outcomes activity- 0.5 MO hour
- Prescribing principles: Part two - opioids and other drugs of dependence – 1 EA/0.5 RP hours – clinical considerations, managing acute pain, legal considerations and managing doctor shopping behaviour (updated September 2023 including real time prescription monitoring)
- Prescribing principles: Part two - opioids and other drugs of dependence measuring outcomes activity - 0.5 MO hour
- Prescribing principles: Part three - an update - 0.5 EA/0.5RP hours - webinar based scenario which discusses issues associated with treating family and friends, prescribing drugs of dependence, need for authorities and real time prescription monitoring.
- Prescribing principles: Part three an update measuring outcomes activity- 0.5 MO hour
Prescribing drugs of dependency
Real time prescription monitoring (RTPM) provides risk mitigation for doctors prescribing drugs of dependence. In some states/territories it is mandatory to check the RTPM before prescribing drugs of dependence and some other drugs. Avant recommends all doctors check every time.
Our member experience shows that some doctors believe that seeing a green, amber or red alert in their practice software is the same as checking their RTPM. It is not. You must click on the alert to go through to the RTPM.
Doctors may also need PBS authority, and approval from the relevant state or territory health department for some patients (see ‘Prescribing drugs of dependence’ factsheet).
Avant factsheets, articles and case studies
Prescribing drugs of dependence
Identifying drug seekers and doctor shopping behaviours
Claims insights: opioid prescribing-related claims
Ask the expert – prescribing, advertising and artificial intelligence
Real time prescription monitoring in the states and territories
- NSW – SafeScript NSW – not mandatory but strongly encouraged – monitored medicines
- Victoria – SafeScript – mandatory – monitored medicines
- Queensland – QScript – mandatory – monitored medicines
- South Australia – ScriptCheckSA – mandatory – monitored medicines
- Western Australia – ScriptCheckWA – not mandatory but strongly encouraged – monitored medicines
- Tasmania – TasScript – mandatory – monitored medicines *
- Northern Territory – NTScript – mandatory – monitored medicines
- Australian Capital Territory – Canberra Script – not mandatory but strongly encouraged – monitored medicines
*From 1 May 2024, TasScript is mandatory in Tasmania. Practitioners click here for registration page.
Prescribing for yourself, family, friends or those you work with
Good medical practice: a code of conduct for doctors in Australia says, ‘Good medical practice involves … not self-prescribing’. It also states:
Whenever possible, avoid providing medical care to anyone with whom you have a close personal relationship. In most cases, providing care to close friends, those you work with and family members is inappropriate because of the lack of objectivity, possible discontinuity of care, and risks to the patient and doctor. In particular, medical practitioners must not prescribe Schedule 8, psychotropic medication and/or drugs of dependence or perform elective surgery (such as cosmetic surgery), to anyone with whom they have a close personal relationship.
Your state or territory legislation may also further prohibit prescribing for yourself, family, friends or those you work with.
Avant factsheets, articles and case studies
Treating family members, friends or staff
‘But it’s just a script’: prescribing requests from family and friends
Case study: doctor disqualification for long-term self-prescribing
Case study: GP’s long-term prescribing for family leads to professional misconduct finding
Case study: GP disqualified after overdose death of de-facto partner
Case study: doctor sanctioned for self-prescribing revealed after car accident
Other prescribing challenges
Analysis of our claims involving prescribing show that doctors also have difficulty with issues such as record-keeping requirements, communication issues in prescribing, overprescribing and off-label prescribing.
Avant factsheets, articles and case studies
Medical Board of Australia Good medical practice: a code of conduct for doctors in Australia
NPS MedicineWise Opioids, chronic pain and the bigger picture
RACGP Accountable prescribing – prescribing drugs of dependence in general practice
Australian Medical Association Position statement on medicines and 10 minimum standards for prescribing
NSW Health Guides for medical practitioners Legislative requirements for handling drugs, including the prescribing and supply of drugs of addiction and restricted substances
NSW Health Contact information, support and treatment services for alcohol and other drugs including local intake lines, and public and private services
NSW Health Pharmaceutical services 02 9391 9944 (select option 1)
Drug and Alcohol Specialist Advisory Service (DASAS) 02 8382 1006 regional NSW 1800 023 687
Victorian Department of Health Medicines and poisons regulation
DirectLine for health professionals 1800 888 236
Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) Victoria 1800 812 804
Queensland Government Alcohol Drug Information Service (ADIS) for health professionals 1800 177 833
Queensland Health Medicines – clinical guidelines and procedures
SA Health Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) 08 7087 1742
SA Health Drugs of dependence 1300 652 584
WA Mental Health Commission Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) 08 6553 0520
WA Department of Health Medicines and Poisons Regulation Branch 08 9222 6883
Tasmanian Department of Health Medicines and poisons regulation information for health professionals 03 6166 0400
Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) Tasmania 1800 630 093
Tasmanian Department of Health TasScript for health practitioners
NT Health Medicines and poisons 08 8922 7341
Drug and Alcohol Clinical Advisory Service (DACAS) Northern Territory 1800 111 092
ACT Health Pharmaceutical services 02 5124 9208