Sustainable consumption
We are committed to generational sustainability and to minimising our impact on the planet through sustainable consumption and production.

Action is being taken to assess and reduce our impact on the planet, and we are committed to seek how to further reduce the environmental impact of our operations. Meaningful steps are being taken to demonstrate our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, while ensuring the decisions we make now and the ongoing, are in line with our member expectations.
United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals are used to guide us in delivering more sustainable consumption

Our Sydney head office has a 6 Star Green Star rating, the highest standard rating reserved for highly-efficient buildings. In 2023 we also undertook an analysis of our own carbon footprint and have started working on ways to further reduce this.

Our Responsible Investment Policy governs our response to complex environmental, social and governance issues that arise from investing in companies. When selecting investment managers and funds to invest in, consideration is given to how managers consider environmental, social and governance topics when managing investments.

Avant continues to reduce its printing as part of its switch to digital communication strategy including for policy renewal and AGM notices, while respecting members’ preferences for print when requested. Where we do use paper, we ensure it is from sustainable sources.