Claims and complaints: what you need to know
Receiving a complaint or claim can be stressful. These resources help you to better understand the processes and how to respond. Remember, if you have a matter in progress, your claims manager or lawyer can offer ongoing support.

Direct patient complaints
How you handle concerns or complaints from a patient can de-escalate them or even resolve them. Learn how to manage a complaint that comes directly to you or your practice to help reduce the risk of a regulatory complaint.
Civil claims
Claims made for compensation are called civil claims. The majority of these do not end up in court but when they do, the key issue is whether the doctor's practice was negligent and if so, did any harm occur as a result.
Regulatory complaints
Regulatory complaints include those managed by Ahpra, HCCC in NSW and OHO in Queensland. They are not uncommon in medicine and the majority are resolved with no further action.
Coroners investigate unexpected, unnatural or violent deaths including those related to accident, injury and certain medical or surgical procedures. A coronial process can take several years.
An employment issue may be about your performance, conduct, or a clinical matter. It's important to be prepared before attending a meeting with your employer.
Avant key support services
Dealing with a medico-legal issue can be stressful. Find out how Avant and other organisations can help.
What happens when you need our support?
If you require general medico-legal advice, members can contact our Medico-legal Advisory Service.