Early Career Doctor Advisory Council
Applications open

We are currently seeking applications for positions on the Avant Early Career Doctor Advisory Council (ECDAC), formally the Doctor in Training Advisory Council.
Established in 2010, the ECDAC comprises of early career doctors and an Avant representative. The ECDAC’s role is to assist and advise Avant on issues facing early career doctors which are relevant to Avant members. The ECDAC identifies emerging and existing issues within the early career doctor community in areas including communication, education, advocacy, support and representation.
If you would like to apply for a position on the ECDAC please complete the application form. Please note, you will be expected to attend four committee meetings per year (online and in person) and actively participate and share your views.
Applications now open!
If you would like to apply to join the ECDAC, please submit the application form and a copy of your CV via email to: earlycareer.advisorycouncil@avant.org.au
For more information contact: earlycareer.advisorycouncil@avant.org.au
Applications close Monday 6th January 2025
Becoming an ECDAC member
To be eligible to join the ECDAC you need to be a current Intern, Resident Medical Officer, or Doctor in Training member of Avant. We are looking for passionate and highly motivated individuals who want to make a difference.
Becoming an ECDAC representative is a great opportunity to:
- network with peers around the country
- shape and influence doctor in training initiatives
- make a difference and play an important role within the medical community
- participate in various Avant programs
- gain leadership skills in the Chairperson role.
Selection Process
- All candidates must complete the application form
- Be a member of Avant
- The Selection Committee will review and assess each application against the requirements of the position and select a shortlist of candidates
- Those candidates will undergo a background check
- Candidates complete further assessment, and the committee may conduct interviews
- The committee proposes nominations for the current Council’s consideration
- The Council elects new members by circular resolution in January 2025, to serve a two-year term, beginning February 2025
- Successful applications will be formally advised of their appointment details in writing.