Key support services
Contact details

Support is available when you need it
Avant believes that to maintain their health and wellbeing, doctors need to have access to appropriate support and services. Avant provides resources, support and advice tailored specifically to the needs of Australian doctors - to help you better face the challenges of a career in medicine and provide the highest level of care to your patients. Some of these supports and services are identified below and can be accessed via the details provided.
Expert medico-legal advisers provide medico-legal advice and support to Avant members on a range of issues. Avant’s Medico-legal Advisory Service is staffed by senior solicitors and is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week in emergencies.
Contact: 1800 128 268
Avant's Personal Support Program (PSP) provides a variety of support options to members who may need assistance during challenging times. A central plank is six sessions of confidential, external counselling provided by TELUS Health, a leading global provider of corporate psychology services.
The counselling service offers objective psychological support and the provision of coping skills for a range of work-related issues such as work stress, issues with patients, personal issues relating to anxiety or depression, and legal issues around medico-legal complaints. Options available include face to face counselling, phone support or video counselling.
Contact: 1300 360 364
Doctors' Health Advisory Services provide independent, confidential advice to medical practitioners and students. The services provide colleague to colleague support on an anonymous basis for practitioners who are experiencing difficulties.
Helpline: 1300 374 377
24-hour phone assistance
Doctors' Health NSW
24-hour phone assistance
Helpline: 02 9437 6552
Doctors' Health in Queensland (DHQ)
24-hour phone assistance
Helpline: 07 3833 4352
South Australia
Doctors' Health SA
24-hour phone assistance
Helpline: 08 8366 0250
Find a GP near you who treats medical professionals:
DRS4DRS Tasmania
Helpline: 1300 374 377
24-hour phone assistance
Victorian Doctors' Health Program
Helpline: 1300 330 543
Western Australia
Doctors' Health Advisory Service WA
24-hour phone assistance
Helpline: 08 9321 3098
Northern Territory
Doctors' Health NT is a program of Doctors' Health SA
24-hour phone assistance
Helpline: 08 8366 0250
Australasian Doctors' Health Network
1300 374 377
(1300 DR4DRS)
24-hour phone assistance
Wellbeing support options for rural doctors
Bush Support Line:
1800 805 391
24 hours per day
Support for Rural Specialists in Australia:
02 9256 5496
Rural Doctors' Association of Australia
Members can access counselling services 24/7 (EAP program)
02 6239 7730
Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine:
Members can access 24/7 support (EAP program)
1800 818 728
Rural Doctors' Association of Queensland
07 3221 4444
support program for members and some practitioners undertaking rural practice
NSW Rural Doctors' Network:
Support and outreach services for NSW's rural health workforce:
02 4924 8000
"NSW Rural Health Family Support" by NSW Rural Doctors Network
Support and assistance to rural medical families in NSW, and assistance to medical students interested in experiencing rural general practice.
02 4924 8000
National Rural Health Student Network:
A number of organisations offer confidential peer support for medical practitioners. Many practitioners find it beneficial to discuss their concerns on an anonymous, confidential basis with another medical professional with whom they do not work directly, and yet understands the stressors of the medical profession. A non-exhaustive list of some examples follows:
- Hand-n-Hand Peer Support (
- Australasian Doctors' Health Network | Doctors' Health Advisory Services in Australia and New Zealand (
- Australian Medical Association provides peer support for its members in a number of states
- RACGP - The GP Support Program
1800 331 626 - Australian Doctors in Recovery
Australian Doctors in Recovery (ADR)
For Doctors Who Need Help
Many of the medical colleges and societies have support services and resources available to support their members. Contact your college or society for details.
- If you or someone you know needs crisis support, please phone Lifeline on 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or visit for Lifeline Chat Service (24/7)
- Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636
- Mental health counselling | Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
- 13 YARN - 13 92 76
13 YARN offers crisis support through confidential one-on-one yarning opportunity with a Lifeline trained Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis supporter 24 hours / 7 days. - Doctors with Disabilities Australia - DWDA |
- The Essential Network for Health Professionals, Beyond Blue, TEN – The Essential Network for Health Professionals - Black Dog Institute
- External help can be provided by the National Debt Helpline for financial difficulty National Debt Helpline
- Support for individuals impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence 1800 737 732
Medical Benevolent Associations provide independent counselling, information, referral, support and some financial assistance to doctors and their families during times of need or adversity. Sessions are free and all information will remain strictly confidential. They are funded by doctors for the benefit of doctors and their families.
- Medical Benevolent Association - VIC - - 03 9496 4205
- Medical Benevolent Association – NSW and ACT - - 02 9987 0504
- Medical Benevolent Association - SA - Doctors Health SA - - 08 8267 4355
- Medical Benevolent Association - QLD - - 07 3872 2222