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GP accreditation: 4 ways PracticeHub helps make it easier

Sunday, 1 September 2024

As a busy practice manager with little time to spare, the GP accreditation process may seem a daunting, time-sapping prospect. 

But what if you could avoid the countless hours of collating documents and back-and-forth emails with your team, and get prepared ahead of time? 

This is where PracticeHub can help. Trusted by more than 1,000 Australian healthcare and community organisations, this cloud-based platform is designed by medical professionals who understand the administration burdens GPs face.  

Practice Hub not only helps simplify compliance with the RACGP Standards for general practices, but also enhances the day-to-day efficiency of your practice. It helps make finding and editing documents easy, eliminates manual tasks and enables better communication with your team.  

Here’s how this intuitive solution can help you prepare for accreditation ahead of time, so you’re stress-free come assessment day. 

1. Easily uncover GP accreditation documentation 

For many GP practices, ensuring RACGP compliance means spending hours unearthing documentation that's hidden away in different folders, systems or spreadsheets. 

With PracticeHub, you and your team can store, search and quickly retrieve documentary evidence of everything – from equipment maintenance, supplier contracts and insurances, to staff vaccinations and business risk processes – via a single hub. 

Tagging and advanced search functionality help ensure all your most up-to-date documents are retrievable with a few clicks, plus you can keep track of all changes with a full audit trail.  

2. Share the load with your team 

To help ensure a stress-free and efficient GP accreditation process, it’s essential to spread responsibilities amongst your team. 

PracticeHub enables you to assign tasks, monitor progress and send messages to your team in one place – eliminating the need for countless emails. You can also easily share policies and procedures and track when staff have signed off on them. 

Team members can own their areas of expertise by managing content that impacts their responsibilities, like infection control policies or patient complaints. When everyone is involved and accountable, the accreditation process becomes more efficient and less stressful. 

You can even make assessment day simpler by providing your surveyor access to PracticeHub. 

3. Stay ahead of GP accreditation requirements 

Missing key dates for the likes of equipment maintenance or insurance renewals, or not knowing about changes to Ahpra registrations, can place you at risk of non-compliance. 

PracticeHub helps make this a far less likely scenario. Real time alerts keep you up-to-date with Aphra registration changes, and you receive reminders to stay on top of any equipment maintenance or insurance renewal deadlines.  

4. Strengthen compliance with training and templates 

PracticeHub not only helps you save time with the GP accreditation process but also continually improve patient care in line with the RACGP Standards.   

The solution offers a wealth of compliant policies and procedures that you can customise for your practice, including those required by work health and safety legislation. 

It also features a range of training courses to help your team constantly improve, covering topics like privacy and confidentiality, work health and safety, and organisational culture. 

See for yourself how PracticeHub helps simplify GP accreditation  

Experience the time-saving benefits of this easy-to-use solution by booking a demo with our sales team today. 

Persons implementing any recommendations contained in this publication must exercise their own independent skill or judgment or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice. Compliance with any recommendations will not in any way guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional or practice. Avant and Avant Practice Solutions are not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published. © Avant Mutual Group Limited 2024. 

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