Webinar: Navigating Challenges in Practice Management


Join Avant Practice Solution’s Product Adoption Manager, Anna-Maria Gibb, as she speaks to Gary Smith AM and Colleen Sullivan OAM.

Together, they discuss Gary & Colleen’s book, Principles of Healthcare Practice Management: Your Handbook, and the challenges practice managers are facing today.

This session will provide you with actionable solutions and insights required to build a resilient and future-ready organisation for you and your staff.

Key topics include:

  • Foundations of operational excellence
  • Policies and procedures in governance
  • Designing and implementing systems
  • Risk and compliance.

You can also read our article for a quick summary of the main tips, strategies and takeaways from the webinar.

Webinar Q&A

For newly implemented technology, review after the first month with feedback from staff. Then move to annual reviews or when a new technological system is introduced as it could interact with existing structures.

This is an issue due to payroll tax implications and the definitions of ‘independent contractor’ and ‘employee’.

Consider the wording in the independent contractor’s agreement. They may indicate that they are willing to abide by the organisation’s policies relating to duty of care and WH&S.

Contact our Avant Law team for more tailored advice on how to navigate your independent contract’s agreement.

This is becoming more common. Virtual practice managers can provide a great value to rural and regional practices or if you are working with financial limitations. If you will be working with a virtual practice manager, ensure to set a framework for the required duties and expectations (e.g. what are their responsibilities?).

UNE Partnerships are a great resource for foundational knowledge. AAPM and your PHN can also assist in providing more current information.

Resources such as the GP Health Insights report by CBA can assist with this.

First, you’ll need to set the Key Resultant Areas (KRA's) that staff may need to perform in to then set the KPI's. Inform you staff on what your expectations are and use the KRA’s and KPI’s to measure them.

The only way to address a behavioural issue like rudeness is to put them on a Personal Improvement Plan. Consider incorporating customer service training as part of this plan – remember, staff are customers too.

Establish a confidentiality agreement with your third-party providers. An understanding of the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles that cover these requirements will also assist you in protecting your data.

You can also contact our Avant Law team for tailored assistance with confidentiality agreements.

AAPM publish salary surveys which can provide you with some of the information you require.

Chat GPT has been making waves across all areas of life, from best man speeches right through to business strategy. Although Chat GPT can be a valuable tool to help you streamline some of your planning and operations, there are some important factors to consider.  

Read Avant Law’s article on ‘Chat-GPT for medical practice websites - what medical practices need to consider’ for important considerations before you start using Chat GPT for your medical practice.

The right to disconnect does not prevent an employer (or other employees) or a third party from contacting an employee. The right to disconnect gives an employee the right to refuse to respond to a request for contact by their employer or a third party unless their refusal is unreasonable. An employer cannot take adverse action on an employee for exercising their right to disconnect. Therefore, a Practice Manager being contacted by other employees is not a contravention of the right to disconnect, unless the practice took some kind of disciplinary or other adverse action against the Practice Manager for not responding to contact by other employees.    

Practically speaking, having a conversation with relevant staff members about expectations around communication and contact is generally the best way to adjust the culture so that employees are actively considering whether contact outside of usual working hours is necessary, or it is a matter that can appropriately wait until usual working hours. For further information, be sure to reach out to our Avant Law team.

The expectations for practices and health professionals when dealing with patient records can be confusing and often overwhelming. Read Avant Law's article on ‘Management of medical records’ for information on how manage your patient’s records.


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Persons implementing any recommendations contained in this webpage must exercise their own independent skill or judgment or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice. Compliance with any recommendations will not in any way guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional or practice. Avant and Avant Practice Solutions are not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published. © Avant Mutual Group Limited 2024

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