Supporting members impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Supporting members impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred

New fellows’ checklist

Making the move: Recent fellows' checklist

Curated by our medico-legal experts, this checklist aims to help you organise or tick off your regulatory obligations and business essentials for a stress-free transition into private practice.

By your side as you build your future

Fellowship is a significant milestone and often a time of personal and professional growth. From navigating the challenges of transitioning into private practice, advancing your career, starting a new practice or buying a property, our products and services can empower you to make the move with confidence.

Protect your career and family

As your clinical and family responsibilities grow, you need more than quality medical indemnity cover and access to trusted medico-legal advice. It’s important to protect your financial security, and have private health insurance which gives you the freedom to claim for services with your chosen providers.

Your membership benefits

Avant’s primary focus is its members, and membership delivers many benefits. Whichever path your career takes, here are more ways we can support you on your professional and personal journey.

Premium discounts for loyalty

We value our members’ loyalty and recognise it through the Loyalty Reward Plan.** The plan gives eligible members a deduction on their practitioner indemnity premium, dependent on their length of tenure with Avant.

Savings on legal advice, and more

Exclusive to Avant members – 10% discount on Avant Law’s legal services and PracticeHub. Membership has many benefits.

Exclusive travel cover

Need a well-deserved break away from work? Avant Travel Cover@ provides annual, multi-trip cover exclusively for members and their families, for up to 12 months.

Complimentary support to navigate risks

Avant Assist is designed to help you implement strategies to protect yourself against medico-legal risks. Recent fellows can access a free consultation with a risk adviser to help set up processes in a new practice, and more.

Research grants

Avant Foundation Member Grants are open to all members, with a special focus on supporting early career doctors. The grants aim to advance the careers of researchers in Australia, while improving medical practice.

Member dividends

Avant is owned by its members who share in its financial strength in a variety of ways, including Retirement Reward Plan dividends.++ Eligible members’ notional balances have increased every year over the last decade.

What we mean to our members

Professional indemnity insurance products are issued by Avant Insurance Limited, ABN 82 003 707 471, AFSL 238 765 (‘Avant Insurance’). The information provided by Avant Insurance is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consider these, having regard to the appropriateness of the advice before deciding to purchase or continue to hold these products. For full details including the terms, conditions, and exclusions that apply, please read and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement or policy wording, which are available at or by contacting Avant Insurance on 1800 128 268.

*Financial services are provided by Avant Finance, a registered business name of Avant Doctors’ Finance Pty Ltd (ACN 637 769 361) and licensed to Avant Doctors’ Finance Brokers Pty Ltd (ABN 75 640 406 784). Avant Doctors’ Finance Brokers Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Avant Doctors’ Finance Pty Ltd. Loan products may be provided by Avant Doctors’ Finance Pty Ltd or arranged by Avant Doctors’ Finance Brokers Pty Ltd. Credit services or assistance to which the National Credit Code applies are provided by Avant Doctors’ Finance Brokers Pty Ltd as authorised Credit Representative (Credit Representative Number 523242) for LMG Broker Services Pty Ltd ACN 632 405 504 Australian Credit Licence 517192.

+Legal Services are provided by Avant Law, liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Avant Law Pty Limited are members of the scheme.

**See to find out more about the LRP eligibility, categories and rates. Not all members are eligible for a LRP reward. Members not eligible include medical students, interns, RMOs and DITs and members who have their professional indemnity policy purchased on their behalf under a corporate group arrangement. However, membership years as an intern, RMO and DIT will be included in tenure calculations. The provision of any future LRP reward is not guaranteed.

@Avant Travel Cover is available under a Group Policy between QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited (ABN 78 003 191 035, AFSL 239545) (‘QBE’) and Avant Mutual Group Limited (ABN 58 123 154 898). Avant Travel Cover is underwritten by QBE. For full details including the restrictions, terms, conditions and exclusions that apply, please read and consider the Product Disclosure Statement, available at or by calling us on 1800 128 268. Please check the Target Market Determination (TMD) to make sure this product is right for you. An excess may apply, depending on policy and claim type. Avant does not provide financial product advice on Avant Travel Cover.

^The Doctor’s Life Insurance Selection Tool (LIST) is provided by Doctors Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 56 610 510 328 AFSL 487758 trading as Avant Life Insurance (‘DFS’). The information provided on this website is general advice only. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consider these, having regard to the appropriateness of this advice as well as the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before deciding to purchase or continue to hold these products. The life insurance products presented on the LIST should not be regarded as representative of all life insurance products that may be available to you. The selection is for illustration purposes only and should not be regarded as an endorsement or recommendation by DFS to take out any of the life insurance policies presented. The LIST can be used to obtain an estimate of premiums for the life insurance products compared. The provision of estimated premiums does not constitute an offer of insurance. DFS is not able to bind any insurer or ensure that any insurer sells any product to you. Accordingly, nothing on this website amounts to an offer by us or any insurer to sell any product to you or enter into any contract with you. The LIST compares the prices and some of the features of the life insurance products. However, it does not compare all of the features or benefits of each product, nor the relevant policy coverage, which should be considered before making any decision. The PDS and Target Market Determination for each product are available by contacting us on 1800 128 268.

++The Retirement Reward Plan reflects the current policy of the Board for determining which members of Avant are eligible to participate in the Retirement Reward Plan and any Retirement Reward Dividends declared by Avant. The Retirement Reward Plan is entirely at the discretion of the Board and no member will be eligible to receive a Retirement Reward Dividend until such time as the Board declares a dividend in favour of that member. The Retirement Reward Plan is subject to change, suspension or termination by the Board at any time. The current eligibility criteria and allocation rules are available at

The information on this website does not constitute legal, financial or other professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. Persons implementing any recommendations contained in this website must exercise their own independent skill or judgment or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice and/or circumstances. Compliance with any recommendations will not in any way guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional or practice. Avant and its related entities are not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published. © Avant Mutual Group Limited 2025.

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