If you are looking to contact us regarding either your indemnity or travel policies, we are currently experiencing higher than expected enquiry volumes resulting in long wait times. You can access further information about these policies, including alternative contact options, via the member portal. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.

couple looking upset

Open disclosure: How to say sorry

This 5 minute video by Marianna Kelly, Avant Risk Adviser explores the issues when apologising to a patient or family member.

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Open, honest, timely, and concerned communication is an important factor in maintaining a therapeutic relationship, especially when a clinical incident occurs that results in harm.

Avant’s practical experience indicates that a patient’s decision to take legal action or make a complaint against you may be affected by the way you manage an incident that resulted in harm or a potential for harm to the patient.

In this video Marianna Kelly, Senior Risk Manager, at Avant will explain your clinical and legal responsibilities.


Our CPD courses for Avant members

Tick off some CPD hours and learn more with our in-depth eLearning courses, free for Avant members. Our courses include education activities, reviewing performance and measuring outcomes. 

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Dealing with a medico-legal issue can be stressful. Find out how Avant and other organisations can help.

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