Ahpra registration renewal – what you need to know
Monday, 26 August 2024
It’s registration renewal time again! If you haven’t received an email from Ahpra with a link to renew, you should contact them now. The renewal date for general, specialist and non-practising medical practitioners is 30 September.
It should go without saying that all your answers must be accurate and truthful. If audited, you will be asked to substantiate your answers and Ahpra and the Medical Board may use these answers to assess your compliance with the National Law.
When answering all sections, take your time choosing between ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ and the ‘N/A’ option for some questions, to ensure your answers are accurate. This will enable your application to be assessed as quickly as possible.
At this time of year, we get many questions from members about the renewal process. We’ve provided information here about the most common enquiries.
Before you get started, read Ahpra’s registration renewal information and FAQs.
Some questions asked for Ahpra registration
Who is your CPD home?
This is a new question about your compliance with continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. Since the beginning of 2024, all doctors from PGY3 and beyond need to have a CPD home. For interns and PGY2 in a supervised position, CPD is included in your accredited training position.
You will need to choose a response from the drop-down options, which includes all approved CPD homes.
If you are required to have a CPD home and do not have one, you should join one immediately and then complete your registration renewal. If you select ‘I do not have a CPD home’, you may be contacted by the regulator.
Do you have an impairment that detrimentally affects your capacity to practise?
The National Law defines ‘impairment’ as: ‘a physical or mental impairment, disability, condition or disorder (including substance abuse or dependence) that detrimentally affects or is likely to detrimentally affect … the person’s capacity to practise the profession’.
Ahpra confirms this does not apply to a condition that is safely managed through treatment, aids or equipment.
If you have a condition which is likely to affect your ‘capacity to practise the profession’ because, for example, you must avoid certain tasks or situations, it is prudent to disclose this condition in your registration renewal. You can use the text box for additional information, for example to confirm it hasn’t caused any issues with your clinical practice. You can also attach information from your treating practitioner if appropriate.
If you are unsure about whether disclosure is required, you may wish to discuss this with your treating practitioner for the condition.
Has there been a change to your criminal history?
There are two questions about criminal history:
- Since your last declaration to Ahpra, has there been any change to your criminal history in Australia that you have not disclosed to Ahpra?
- Since your last declaration to Ahpra, has there been any change to your criminal history in one or more countries other than Australia that you have not disclosed to Ahpra?
The National Law requires certain relevant events to be notified to Ahpra within seven days of occurring. The events for criminal history include:
- any charge relating to an offence punishable by 12 months imprisonment or more
- any conviction or finding of guilt for an offence punishable by imprisonment.
If a relevant event occurred during the previous 12 months and you have notified Ahpra, you do not need to disclose it again for your registration renewal.
Apart from the notifiable criminal events, you must disclose in your renewal anything else covered by the definition of criminal history that you have not previously notified to Ahpra. These include:
- convictions for an offence
- a plea of guilty or finding of guilt by a court, whether or not a conviction is recorded for the offence
- if you are charged with an offence
- spent convictions as spent convictions legislation does not apply to criminal history disclosure requirements
- convictions for unpaid parking fines, only in Western Australia
- offences where you have pleaded guilty and the outcome was guilty without conviction, only in Queensland
- speeding or parking fines, only in Tasmania.
Check for state and territory differences about what constitutes a criminal offence. The explanatory notes in the renewal form provide information about what to disclose. If you are making a disclosure, it’s best to first review the Medical Board of Australia’s criminal history registration standard.
If you answer yes, you can include information in the text box about the nature of the charge or conviction and note if you are supplying any additional documents.
Have you disclosed all known complaints?
You do not need to include complaints to Ahpra, the Medical Council or Health Care Complaints Commission in NSW, Office of the Health Ombudsman in Queensland or any other Australian health complaints entity.
You do need to disclose any complaints made to ‘an entity with responsibility for regulating medicines, drugs or poisons in a state or territory of Australia, or an overseas regulatory body’. This includes state or territory pharmaceutical regulatory units and the Therapeutic Goods Administration, and any equivalent overseas bodies.
We have previously clarified with Ahpra that you do not need to disclose employment and other complaints raised internally within a hospital or practice.
Do you perform exposure prone procedures?
Exposure prone procedures includes procedures such as cardiothoracic surgery, gynaecological surgery and neurosurgery. Some examples of non-exposure prone procedures are the insertion and maintenance of intravenous or central lines, minor suturing of uncomplicated skin lacerations and an incision of superficial abscesses.
If you answer yes to this question, you need to indicate whether you have complied with the Australian national guidelines for the management of healthcare workers living with, or exposed to, bloodborne viruses during the previous 12 months. You must also indicate whether you agree to comply with those guidelines in the future. This includes testing for HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B at least once every three years.
Does your advertising comply with the National Law?
In the final declaration, you must confirm that all advertising of your services or your business complies with the advertising laws. The relevant section of the National Law is set out in the form. See our factsheet Advertising guidelines when promoting your practice for more information about these obligations.
Medical Board of Australia Renewal FAQ for medical practitioners
Medical Board of Australia Registration renewal
Ahpra About registration
More information
For medico-legal advice, please contact us here, or call 1800 128 268, 24/7 in emergencies.
This publication is not comprehensive and does not constitute legal or medical advice. You should seek legal or other professional advice before relying on any content, and practise proper clinical decision making with regard to the individual circumstances. Persons implementing any recommendations contained in this publication must exercise their own independent skill or judgement or seek appropriate professional advice relevant to their own particular practice. Compliance with any recommendations will not in any way guarantee discharge of the duty of care owed to patients and others coming into contact with the health professional or practice. Avant is not responsible to you or anyone else for any loss suffered in connection with the use of this information. Information is only current at the date initially published.
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